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Discover the BIObec project on Bioeconomy Education.

The EU-funded BIObec project leverages education in order to unlock the EU bioeconomy’s full potential.

About the project

The BIObec project aims to build bridges between the bio-based industry and the education system by interlinking universities, innovation labs, and R&D centres with industrial actors and regions. In order to achieve this, the project proposes a holistic framework that merges the traditional idea of an education centre, with that of a knowledge hub.

BIObec will establish multi-level Bio-Based Education Centres (BBECs) to act as knowledge hubs bridging the gaps between academic institutions, students, innovation entities and policy makers. Likewise, the BBECs will be flexible enough to answer the actual and future needs of the industry and surrounding ecosystem at local, regional and national levels.

Looking for Young Bioeconomy Entrepreneurs

The BIObec project in collaboration with the EU-funded project Transition2Bio, the European Bioeconomy Network, and the Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU), are producing a series of short video interviews in order to promote the excellence of European young entrepreneurs involved in the Sustainable and Circular Bioeconomy. The aim of this initiative is to inspire, inform and attract young generations towards educational and working careers in the bioeconomy.

If you are a young sustainable entrepreneur under 35 interested in this initiative or know someone who would like to take part in it, contact the BIObec project at and make your voice heard!

Discover more on the project’s website.

Source: BioBEC project website and newsletter


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We acknowledge support of this work by the project “Synthetic Biology: From omics technologies to genomic engineering (OMIC-ENGINE)” (MIS 5002636) which is implemented under the Action “Reinforcement of the Research and Innovation Infrastructure”, funded by the Operational Programme "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation" (NSRF 2014-2020) and co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund).

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