Together with our collaborating partner and coordinating team at the Department of Biochemistry & Biotechnology of the University of Thessaly , we organise the first virtual training school on basic methods of Synthetic Biology research.
Synthetic Biology has evolved to a cutting-edge technology with a range of applications in a variety of aspects such as health, environment and agriculture. The next generation of Synthetic Biology researchers need to be equipped with basic knowledge on the core elements of SynBio research aiming to transform the scientific landscape of the future.
Aiming to address interdisciplinary collaboration and attract new scientists and research groups, we have designed specialized educational courses that cover a plethora of Synthetic Biology’s applications and technologies. During this free online course, through the combination of theory and practicals, participants will have the opportunity to dive into the basic methods used in Synthetic Biology research as well as discover their applications on the field of agriculture. This educational course will focus on covering the core principles of cloning strategies, exploitation of CRIPSR/Cas9 technology as well as protein expression and purification. On the final day of the course, participants will be introduced in metagenomics and its usage in environmental samples.
The course is aimed at PhD students, advanced PhD students and postdoctoral researchers, members of the Greek academic community, with a background in Biology, Biotechnology, Synthetic Biology, Microbiology, Agriculture and any related scientific field. The Training School will be held online on 8 – 12 March 2021.
For more information, regarding the Training School please click here.